Celebrating Pastor Tim and Marcia
Pastor Tim's last Sunday preaching from our pulpit (not that he stays in the pulpit very much) will be Sunday, October 2, 2022. This is also World Communion Sunday.
A Potluck Luncheon to take place after worship is being planned, and we are asking for your special/favorite dishes to share. This will be an informal affair, but if you know church friends who have been touched in some way by Tim's pastoral responses or sermons and/or Marcia's commitment to our church children, please invite them to come. This is a day to celebrate the Stohlbergs' gifts to us. Let's make it a memorable day.
If you wish to send a card, you may send it to the church office at Presque Isle Congregational Church, PO Box 1787, Presque Isle, ME 04769. The church admin assistant will pick up the mail but promises not to open or read any cards, nor lose them!
The Welcome and Care Committee under the able leadership of Carolyn Woodman will be helping with the setup and Sara Harvey will be the skilled decorator! If you have questions, please email me at piuccoffice@gmail.com.
Melissa Vance, Admin Assistant