Our worship services begin at 10:00 am on Sundays, both in person and streaming on our Facebook page.
Join us onsite, and/or engage our online offerings streamed on our Facebook page.
Plan to visit our Events page or our Facebook page to learn more about the worship schedule – who is preaching, and any special themes for the morning. Our Weekly Update newsletter also contains details of worship services. Sign up for that weekly email at the bottom of our Home page.
Our church building is at 27 Church Street in Presque Isle. You may park on Church Street, or in our lot behind the church. There are three entrances: a front door to the sanctuary with stairs, and ground level doors on the driveway side and the rear of the building, with access to an elevator.
Our worship service is composed of mostly traditional elements, with some modern touches in the music, projected images and videos. The language of our liturgy, the sermons, and prayers reflects a progressive theology.
Communion is generally celebrated once each month, distributed to the congregation in the pews. All are welcome at the communion table.
The service usually lasts about an hour with fellowship time after — Coffee Hour!
To get the best sense of our worship, watch an archived recording of a recent service on our Facebook page, or if you are online, join our Facebook Live stream Sunday mornings at 10:00 am.
Worship Ministry
Members of the Worship Ministry share responsiblilty for planning and leading all worship services.
Each Sunday, a member of the congregation, or a guest minister or speaker, will share a message for those gathered in person and online. Individuals from the congregation take on other worship roles, leading the congregation in liturgical responses, prayers, or the reading of scripture.
The congregational singing of hymns is accompanied by pianist Barbara Merryman. Our dedicated choir members share an anthem on most Sundays. The choir is always eager to have new voices join them. Contact our church office if you’d like to know more about participating. Barbara Merryman also directs our choir.
Other music selections in our worship service are pre-recorded pieces by churches and artists with the capacity to create and share high-quality digitally-distributed hymns, anthems, and songs with sacred content.
Media Use Consent Policy
When you enter The Presque Isle Congregational Church, United Church of Christ (PIUCC) for a worship service or event, you will be entering an area where photography, video and audio recording may occur. Learn more…
Daniel Jackson — As Advent begins, Daniel reminds us that "Emmanuel” - God with us - is the source of our best hope. Hope is ever present, as is God's love. Be alert for glimpses of God, love at work, and join in. Worship bulletin
Daniel Jackson — As Advent begins, Daniel reminds us that "Emmanuel” - God with us - is the source of our best hope. Hope is ever present, as is God's love. Be alert for glimpses of God, love at work, and join in. Worship bulletin